Pamela Moran's Blog


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Northwestern Oregon. 

Early December, several years ago, I headed up north to visit two good friends who'd moved to the Portland area within a few months of each other. On a drizzly, chilly day the three of us decided to take a drive along a few back-roads, heading towards the coast, mostly just to see what we would see. With my camera never far away, this is one of the images I captured.

That trip was also the inspiration for the town of Eagle Crest, Jake and Rily Carrigan's hometown, where most of STOLEN SPIRIT and BLIND SIGHT take place. 

Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, spent with family and friends you hold dear.


Whether painting, out on a photo shoot or writing, Pam has always had a bend toward the creative side of life. Her favorite is when she can combine any of those with travel. Places get into her blood and she loves to explore the possibilities, always with characters and a story in mind.

An astrologer for most of her adult life, Pam has been known to see auras & the occasional ghost. Considering she lives in a haunted house in the mountains of southern California, this keeps life interesting.


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Guest Tuesday, 18 February 2025