Pamela Moran's Blog

A few years ago I was in Ely, Nevada for a high school reunion taking place over the Fourth of July. The fireworks that evening were spectacular and I was so thrilled to be there, to be able to take some gorgeous pictures, to see friends so important in my life, to rekindle friendships with a few I'd hadn't seen in far too long.
I've seen several fireworks displays since then, in different venues, celebrating a variety of occasions, but none have been as special as that Fourth of July, surrounded by friends from my past, my husband's arms around my waist as I leaned against him, and, of course, tracking the display with my camera.
Happy Fourth of July, everyone. Let Freedom Ring.

Driving up and down the mountain the last few weeks, I've enjoyed watching the leaves unfurl and stretch. That bright, spring green started low and has gradually reached the higher elevations.
This was shot yesterday evening, around six, with the lowering sun shining through the leaves. Happy I had my camera with me, I pulled off to the side of the road and took several shots.
I have a feeling I'll be making more impromptu stops in the near future.
I love trees. Photos like this make me want to just sit and look at them. Nice work, Pam.
Thank you, Mary! I know what you mean about just sitting and looking. There's something peaceful about doing that. My love of

I love trees. I love snow. Probably part of why I love living in the mountains. While we've had light dustings of snow earlier last month, the last two days of December brought our first real snowfall of the season.
The soft, fluffy stuff that carpets everything in a white blanket. That leaves a kind of hush over the air.
And it's been cold enough the snow should stick around for more than a day or two. We were away for Chirstmas and getting home was a bit more of a challenge than we'd anticipated when we left, even with checking the weather sites (snow chains, anyone? Thank goodness for 4x4!), the beauty of nature was worth the extra hassle.
I'm happy to be home today, snug in my warm house, with my husband also off for the day.
Tomorrow's soon enough to think about work. About laundry. The sun's glistening on all that white, the breeze is light, and today is my first 'snow day' of the year. What a wonderful start to 2015!
Here's hoping your New Year is bright and beautiful!

Last month I was in New York and captured this image at Rockefeller Center. I was too early for the tree, although it was there, hidden behind scaffolding and boards and had the entire area smelling of pine. But there were faerie lights up and ice skaters on the ice, and lots of people mulling around.
At night, the whole place seemed full of magic.
Merry Christmas and brightest blessings,

My sister collects ornaments. Mostly from her travels, but occasionally just because one catches her eye. I love visiting her home at Christmastime. There's the warmth of family, the love and laughter filling the air, that delicious bowl of homemade chili on Christmas Eve.
And her ornaments.
I admit, after greetings, hugs and kisses, I head to check out her tree and look for the newest additions. And it usually isn't long before I have my camera out of its bag.
This angel adorned her tree last year. I'm looking forward to seeing what I'll find this evening.
What's your favorite holiday tradition?
Happy Holidays everyone,