Pamela Moran's Blog

99¢ Sale - Stolen Spirit

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To celebrate the upcoming release of Gavin's Woman, Stolen Spirit is on sale for a limited time!

****4.5 Stars on Amazon****

Haunting Psychic Tale

For Jake Carrigan, hearing his dead ex-girlfriend’s voice in an empty room is enough to make him question his sanity. Worse is when that ex insists she shouldn't have died. The worst? He still loves her.

Hannah Dixon is having a hard time believing she's dead. But Jake's probe into her death has stirred something evil. She left once to protect her heart, can she leave again to save Jake's life?


Available At:


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Whether painting, out on a photo shoot or writing, Pam has always had a bend toward the creative side of life. Her favorite is when she can combine any of those with travel. Places get into her blood and she loves to explore the possibilities, always with characters and a story in mind.

An astrologer for most of her adult life, Pam has been known to see auras & the occasional ghost. Considering she lives in a haunted house in the mountains of southern California, this keeps life interesting.


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Guest Tuesday, 18 February 2025